Anthill Inc
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Package : com.anthillinc.whatifi.apSize : 220MB
Version : 2.1.6
Installs : 518
Updated on : 49 months ago
Requirement : Android 4.4+
Whatifi detail information
Whatifi App APK 2.1.6 is developed by Anthill Inc for Android devices. Download and install the latest version 2.1.6 APK App for free. The com.anthillinc.whatifi.ap.apk updated 49 months ago at Android App store. However, this Android App provides top class Entertainment Apps for users in this Category. Download free Whatifi APK 2022 version for your Android device. Keep the file as backup in your device external storage or SD Card. The apk +obb and AAB package is available for com.anthillinc.whatifi.ap for free.
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Control the story with Whatifi, a social video streaming app where you and your friends choose where the movie’s story goes.
Hack the story. Create, destroy and express yourself – you’re in control now!
Whatifi is a unique, social movie experience. Host a hack party and watch original, interactive films made for social storyhacking.
Watch movies with friends, join a group chat, and when the characters have to make a decision, you choose what they do. Whatifi is an all-new video experience that puts you in the director’s seat!
Just swipe to vote on where you want the story to go. Can’t agree? Debate it out in the group chat – it’s a social cinematic experience! Your choices will guide the outcome of the film, whether it’s a happy ending or goes spiraling off the rails.
Chat, take control and turn streaming into a new social experience with Whatifi!
1. Select a movie and hit play
2. Invite friends to join (if you want)
3. Every few minutes, the movie asks for direction
4. Your choices create unique storylines and endings
5. When one story ends, you can watch again and see how different choices change the ending
* Start a hack party with your friends.
* Stream Whatifi movies together.
* Swipe to vote on where you want the story to go!
* Need to pause? Everyone watches on their own device, so your breaks won’t interrupt anyone else’s experience.
* You chose where the story goes.
* Swipe to vote on what you want the characters to do.
* Get a more meaningful movie experience where your choices matter!
* Make or break the story.
* Change the ending or see how your decisions affect the storyline.
* Watch original films made for Whatifi.
* Unique stories made for social storyhacking.
* See what screenwriters and directors get their start on Whatifi!
* Chat with friends as you watch.
* Talk about where you want the story to go.
* Discuss, debate and decide which way everyone will vote.
* Get a new social experience out of watching movies and guide the story as a group!
Take control and hack the story with Whatifi today!