Trepo App


by rimoworld
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Trepo detail information

Trepo App APK 3.0 is developed by rimoworld for Android devices. Download and install the latest version 3.0 APK App for free. The tech.infosout.trep.apk updated 50 months ago at Android App store. However, this Android App provides top class Tools Apps for users in this Category. Download free Trepo APK 2022 version for your Android device. Keep the file as backup in your device external storage or SD Card. The apk +obb and AAB package is available for tech.infosout.trep for free. Game Turbo , ExpertDth com , InstaUp , TechHua Wifi , ZPatcher Injector , Game Turbo 4.0 , etc.

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This APK App installed more than, 10075 times on our App Store. Moreover, Trepo rated 4.0 out of 5 by our Android Application editors. Download Safe and Secure unmodified tech.infosout.trep AAB only on Please share your feedback to the Developer after using this APK App. Download and find more useful APK and trending Tools Apps for your Android device. Find Trepo on Google Play Store if you encountered any problem while downloading or installing this App. Please reach out rimoworld site or e-mail address for any issue or feedback related queries.


This app has been designed to be simple to setup but also powerful enough so you can have an intelligent alarm clock that can do amazing things like recognize simple objects like toothbrush, shoes, other objects and animals, recognize smiles on a picture so you have to wake smiling, even by force, or simply solving puzzles like math equations, memory and sequence games to stop the alarm. You can customize this alarm clock any way you like including : Adding Challenges This alarm clock comes with a lot of challenges (like puzzle, games, taking pictures and more to come) that gives you tasks so you can't dismiss the alarm and go back sleep. You can also add multiples challenges to your alarm, that way, when the alarm starts, a random challenges will be assigned to alarm when you try to turn it off. That way you will not get bored with the same challenge appearing all the time. Some of the tasks you can add to your alarm are: Picture Challenge Using machine learning and other nerd stuffs, this app has learned to recognize a pre-select list of objects and keep you from turn off the alarm until you take picture of pre chosen objects or animal. For example, always forget to drink water? Add a challenge to take a picture of a cup when it triggers so when it start you have to stand up and drink water Smile Challenge Simple like that, you have to wake up with a big smile, a really big one and take a selfie. If you don't show all of your teeth to the camera the alarm will never go out. Jokes book is really recommended for this challenge Memory Game The classic memory game you used to play on flash websites. Configure the board with the number of cards you want and, when the alarm starts, match the pairs on the board until you find out all the pairs and then the alarm will dismiss. Equation Challenge If you think wake up early is annoying imagine wake up early having to solve a math problem. Happily that is the case ?. Choose between levels of math problem to solve when the alarm goes off and fry your brain out trying to find out the correct number. Sequence Game Complete this puzzle by tapping the shapes on the screen at the same order as it shines. Don't worry if you don't remember all at first, the alarm can repeat the sequence as many times you want. Snooze Disable snooze so you really have to complete the challenges or change the snooze duration to a really small one so you don't have any time to rest. Vibrate Don't like you phone vibrating like crazy when waking up? Me neither, thats why you have the option to disable vibrate from the alarm and just listen to the beautiful ringtone ring. Media Choose between you favorite downloaded musics or your phone ringtones to wake up and configure the volume you want the media to play. Soft wake The media you choose will increase the volume gently until the sound the you configured so it don't scare you when wake up.

Additionally, you can install tech.infosout.trep APK bundle in India. The bundle +OBB available for USA, UK, Canada, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Netherlands and Malaysia too. Similarly, Download the AAB bundle for Philippines, Italy, Germany, Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Argentina, Myanmar, Turkey and Algeria like countries. If you are facing any issue with APK (tech.infosout.trep) in your country, install Top 10 VPN Apps on your Android phone. However, We are providing the top class apk Apps for the version 3.0, which are virus and malware safe to download on Android device. Download tech.infosout.trep.apk on Windows 11 by using Amazon Appstore free. Provide the feedback and suggestion for this App version 3.0 on our support section.

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50 months ago
Requirement : Android 4.4+

Frequently Asked Questions

How to download and install Trepo on Android ?∇

The APK App size is 16MB and the latest version is 3.0. You can download apk of Trepo App from Google Play Store or from rimoworld official website for free. But, we are not hosting any modified apk which can be dangerous for your Android phone.

Step 1: Firstly, click on the above APK Download link (16MB) button down to description section.
Step 2: Then you will land on our Secure Download Page.
Step 3: Save the Trepo file on your Android mobile/tablet.
Step 4: Then turn on "Unknown sources" from Settings -> Privacy -> Unknown sources
Step 5: Open the APK file or tech.infosout.trep from your mobile (Download folder).
Step 6: Finally, it will prompt for Installation, accept the Installation and follow instructions.

How to install Trepo on Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC ?∇

Windows 11 is now supported Android apps and games. Download and Install Trepo on Windows 11 PC . To use any Android App or Game on your Windows PC, you have to follow these steps below.

Step 1: Goto Windows Update and check for new updates.
Step 2: Update your Microsoft Store by clicking on "Library" then "Get updates".
Step 3: Search for Turn Windows features on or off and check the "Virtual Machine Platform" option.
Step 4: Install Amazon App store for Windows 11 and check the requirements, restart system.
Step 5: Login with Amazon account on Amazon App store and Download Trepo.
Step 6: Click on install App and Open it. App will be opened on Virtual Machine.

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