Pocket FM App

Pocket FM - Stories, Audio Books & Podcasts

by Pocket FM
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Pocket FM detail information

Pocket FM App APK 4.7.4 is developed by Pocket FM for Android devices. Download and install the latest version 4.7.4 APK App for free. The com.radio.pocketf.apk updated 48 months ago at Android App store. However, this Android App provides top class Music & Audio Apps for users in this Category. Download free Pocket FM APK 2022 version for your Android device. Keep the file as backup in your device external storage or SD Card. The apk +obb and AAB package is available for com.radio.pocketf for free. Spotify , Resso , Pocket Casts , Dolby Atmos , Movzy Movies Music for You Guide , etc.

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This APK App installed more than, 2940 times on our App Store. Moreover, Pocket FM - Stories, Audio Books & Podcasts rated 4.0 out of 5 by our Android Application editors. Download Safe and Secure unmodified com.radio.pocketf AAB only on apkproz.com. Please share your feedback to the Developer after using this APK App. Download and find more useful APK and trending Music & Audio Apps for your Android device. Find Pocket FM on Google Play Store if you encountered any problem while downloading or installing this App. Please reach out Pocket FM site or e-mail address for any issue or feedback related queries.


India’s #1 Radio Shows App, Pocket FM brings you the best hindi radio shows, hindi audiobooks, hindi FM radio channels, stories or kahaniya & podcasts from the best RJs and voice-over artists from all over India. Pocket FM has Indian radio shows, Indian Stories or Indian Kahaniya, Indian audio books covering categories like romance & love, horror, thriller, mystery, self-help, motivational books, business & investment, spirituality, religious, health, audio summaries, biography and a lot more. Pocket FM has all the Indian books that you will find in a book library and much more. No need to go to the book library anymore, when you can enjoy all the stories of a book library from comforts of home. You can listen to these stories for free anytime anywhere. Audiobooks Pocket FM has all the Indian audio books you can think of, the best sellers, the culture-defining, the must-reads. And the best thing is that, these are available to all book lovers, free of cost. Audio books not only make book reading more fun, but also are an amazing source of entertainment. Audio books also help you learn about many new things, making you much smarter and aware. You can also share and discuss about the audio books that you read with your friends for much better understanding or to discuss the plot lines of certain stories or kahaniya. Radio Best app to listen to Hindi , Marathi , Bengali , Gujarati and other regional FM radio stations online through internet. All India FM radio stations are also available. Live FM Radio, Online FM Radio and much more available. Relaxing Music Have trouble sleeping at night? PocketFM also has a wide selection of relaxing music that will help you sleep better at night. The relaxing music has been made after lot of research into what helps us sleep better. PocketFM has meditation music, that will let you attain peace in your fast-paced life. Listen to this mediation music and gain control over your life. English Speaking Course Have you ever felt that you are not confident in speaking English? Not anymore. Pocket FM provides you the best English learning course (Learn English By Speaking) that will make you learn and speak the most fluent English in no time. So why wait to learn English? Just go ahead and learn the best English with this free English Speaking Course. Podcasts You can listen to and also create the podcasts. There are podcasts about love, personal life, and specific life stories of others. There is a variety of Indian podcasts available on Pocket FM that you will simply fall in love with. You can also share your voice using the voice recorder with the world and let them know what you have got to share. Podcasts make it easy for people to understand you clearly and share comments so that they can tell you what they feel about your podcast. Stories or Kahaniya We also offer all the stories or kahaniya that we grew up listening to. You can put these stories or kahaniya for download so that you can use them even when you are offline. Listen to amazing stories like Akbar Birbal, Vikram Betal and others narrated to you. These Hindi Stories or Hindi Kahaniya are narrated to you by our RJs to make the experience much more enjoyable. We have over 12000 stories, for you to enjoy. We keep adding more stories, so keep an eye out for the new stories. All top radio stations are available here and in multiple languages.

Additionally, you can install com.radio.pocketf APK bundle in India. The bundle +OBB available for USA, UK, Canada, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Netherlands and Malaysia too. Similarly, Download the AAB bundle for Philippines, Italy, Germany, Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Argentina, Myanmar, Turkey and Algeria like countries. If you are facing any issue with APK (com.radio.pocketf) in your country, install Top 10 VPN Apps on your Android phone. However, We are providing the top class apk Apps for the version 4.7.4, which are virus and malware safe to download on Android device. Download com.radio.pocketf.apk on Windows 11 by using Amazon Appstore free. Provide the feedback and suggestion for this App version 4.7.4 on our support section.

Latest feature updates

Brand new design for Pocket FM users Bug fixes and performance improvements

More Information

Package :
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Version :
Installs :
Updated on :
48 months ago
Requirement : Android 4.4+

Frequently Asked Questions

How to download and install Pocket FM on Android ?∇

The APK App size is 28MB and the latest version is 4.7.4. You can download apk of Pocket FM App from Google Play Store or from Pocket FM official website for free. But, we are not hosting any modified apk which can be dangerous for your Android phone.

Step 1: Firstly, click on the above APK Download link (28MB) button down to description section.
Step 2: Then you will land on our Secure Download Page.
Step 3: Save the Pocket FM file on your Android mobile/tablet.
Step 4: Then turn on "Unknown sources" from Settings -> Privacy -> Unknown sources
Step 5: Open the APK file or com.radio.pocketf from your mobile (Download folder).
Step 6: Finally, it will prompt for Installation, accept the Installation and follow instructions.

How to install Pocket FM on Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC ?∇

Windows 11 is now supported Android apps and games. Download and Install Pocket FM - Stories, Audio Books & Podcasts on Windows 11 PC . To use any Android App or Game on your Windows PC, you have to follow these steps below.

Step 1: Goto Windows Update and check for new updates.
Step 2: Update your Microsoft Store by clicking on "Library" then "Get updates".
Step 3: Search for Turn Windows features on or off and check the "Virtual Machine Platform" option.
Step 4: Install Amazon App store for Windows 11 and check the requirements, restart system.
Step 5: Login with Amazon account on Amazon App store and Download Pocket FM.
Step 6: Click on install App and Open it. App will be opened on Virtual Machine.

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